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Community Sit with Amy Ward Brimmer

  • Summit Presbyterian Church 6757 Greene Street Philadelphia, PA, 19119 United States (map)

Embodying the Four Postures for Meditation

The traditional image of a meditator is someone sitting cross-legged on the ground with their eyes closed. But the Buddha taught that awakening can happen in other ways, with movement as well as in stillness.

In this community gathering, we will practice the four postures for meditation: sitting, standing, reclining, and walking. Using the fundamentals of embodied mindfulness that Amy has practiced and taught for 30+ years, we’ll explore how to get comfortable and cultivate ease in each of the four postures, as well as the pros and cons of each.

Amy will assist with optional hands-on guidance, to help you find a lively balance, with less tension and more ease. As you listen to your body, you will strengthen a present-moment connection that leads to a more authentic responsiveness.

Perhaps you’ll discover which postures lead to deeper concentration, or how they best support your practice under different conditions. At a minimum, we will follow the wise instruction offered by Joseph Goldstein and others: When you sit/stand/recline/walk, know you are sitting/standing/reclining/walking.

Please bring a yoga mat or large towel if you have one. Those with mobility issues will be assisted in adapting to each of the postures, so do not worry – the dharma can meet you however you show up!

Facilitator Bio

Amy Ward Brimmer has been investigating mindfulness and self-expression since childhood. She is the owner of Way Opens Wellness in Yardley, PA, where she offers Alexander Technique, Somatic Release bodywork, Qigong, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Compassionate Listening, and Insight meditation instruction. Amy created Way Opens to bring together people interested in learning and teaching bodymind methods of awakening. She has taught at Yale, Villanova, Brooklyn College, and along the banks of the Delaware Canal, among many other places.

Location: Summit Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia

Zoom Option: We will also have a Zoom running concurrent with the in-person session, if you feel more comfortable participating online via Zoom. Additionally, if you are feeling sick at all, please attend via the Zoom session.