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Tuere Sala - Evening Session in Philadelphia

  • Unitarian Society of Germantown 6511 Lincoln Drive Philadelphia, PA, 19119 United States (map)

Cultivating Awakening Emotions

It hardly seems that any of us are able to make it through a day without being emotionally triggered. It could be a tragic or anger-inducing news story, a disagreement with family or friends (or even a stranger!), a comment or article on social media, a stressful situation at work...the list is endless. Often emotions can turn our lives into a roller coaster ride of reactivity which can have the effect of turning our meditative practice into an escape clause rather than the source of our inner strength. It is possible, however, to engage our meditative practice in a more proactive way by cultivating several awakening emotions. They are considered awakening emotions because when present, they bring clarity and wisdom. During this weekend retreat we will explore these awakening emotions, how to distinguish them from non-awakening emotions, how to cultivate them and how to recognize their impact upon our practice.

About Tuere Sala - Guiding Teacher Seattle Insight Meditation Society (SIMS)


Tuere Sala is a Guiding Teacher at Seattle Meditation Society (SIMS). She is a retired prosecuting attorney who has practiced Vipassana meditation for over 25 years and has been a practicing member of SIMS since 2001. She is also the founding teacher of the Capitol Hill Meditation Group. Tuere believes that urban meditation is the foundation for today’s practitioner’s path to liberation. She is inspired by bringing the Dharma to nontraditional places and is a strong advocate for practitioners living with high stress, past trauma and difficulties sitting still. Tuere has a long history of assisting others in establishing and maintaining a daily practice. Her teachings reflect an approach to Dharma that is both easy to follow and understand – making it accessible to everyone.

This event is hosted by Delaware Valley Insight and is co-sponsored by the Unitarian Society Germantown and Springboard Studio. If you want to help promote this event here is a printable flyer for the event.

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